The Casa Bacardi, at the Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami, is an interactive center highlighting Cuban history and culture. The Center features: a music pavilion, a products pavilion, the Cuban Information Center, a cinema, a conference room, and exhibits. It is a unique place to appreciate and learn about Cuba's past as well as its present.
Casa Bacardi was made possible through a generous grant from the Bacardi Family Foundation.
The Data Information Center features an array of interactive activities for all ages. The Information Center is equipped with six computer stations, maps on Cuban geography, and an assortment of books.
At the computer stations, individuals can test their knowledge on Cuban history and culture by taking "Cuba History Quizes." These special quizes highlight key individuals and events in Cuba's history, making it an entertaining and learning experience. There are two quiz levels, a beginner and an advanced, with each level consisting of 4 quizzes. Each quiz presents 10 challenging questions, and a percentage result is provided at the end.
The computer stations also provide a visual image presentation on contemporary Cuba. A combination of over 100 photographs from different areas of Cuba can be seen on the computer screens.
The Center also features, Cuba On-Line, a database of information on most aspects of the island. This is a comprehensive database that can be accessed also on the Internet at which contains a variety of information, such as biographies, bibliographies, statistical data, economic data, health issues, dissident information, policy issues from Washington, comments and official remarks from the United States, Castro and other Cuban official speeches, and much more facts. The database can be searched in both English or Spanish, and is all inclusive in regards to the scope of the information.
Other activities of interest at the Information Center include an extensive Cuba map display that highlights all aspects of Cuban geography and economic factors. There is also a wide selection of books and encyclopedia.
(305) 284-CUBA (2822);
FAX (305) 284-4875
Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies
1531 Brescia Avenue
P.O. Box 248174
Coral Gables, FL 33124-3010
University of Miami